May 19, 1925
February 21, 1965

Brother Marvin,
I'm reading your poem today at the Malcolm X & Islam Today event this afternoon at the Schomburg Library in Harlem. I think it hits the spot on what we want to discuss at the forum.
We can rest assure that Brother Malcolm is proud of you today... carrying on his legacy of revolutionary spirituality for resistance and struggle.
--Sam Anderson
If I Were A Muslim In Good Standing

If I Were A Muslim In Good Standing

I would be like Prophet Muhammad
Elijah Muhammad

Malcolm X
I would fight oppression everywhere
I would liberate slaves
educate the poor
free the women
expel infidels from Muslim lands
fight quisling Muslim governments
not sleep til Jerusalem liberated
Palestine a free nation
send Zionists back to Europe
or into Mediterranean
if it took one hundred or two hundred years
like Saladin
I would slay them without remorse
Recite the Fatihah on pyramid of heads
expel heathen Christian armies from Iraq
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia
defend Iran's right to have Nukes
Why should Zionists have Nukes but not Iran
If Zionists are sane, so is Iran
If Zionists are sane, so North Korea
I would fight white supremacy in all forms
black face, Arab face, Chinese face
If I were a Muslim in good standing
I would liberate Mecca of slaves and selling pork
free the kingdom of Saudi Arabia of wicked primitive theology
Infecting virus of ignorance and reaction in Taliban Al Queda
and Sunni insurgents in Iraq
who have no intention to allow Shia rule except with obstruction
I would salute Hamas and Hezbollah
for confronting Shaitan in all his masks
Salute Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt confronting Pharaoh Mubarak
Chief uncle abdullah (tom) of the Muslim world
I would stop domestic violence, honor killings, cutting of clitoris
not out in the alley
come in the back door like a jim crow negro
put the veil on men
show equality at all times
make earth paradise for those who truly believe
who fight oppression everywhere
who will not sleep til world is free
--Marvin X
--Marvin X
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