Poet and grandson
Jahmeel passing out
poster poem Black
History is World History
at his outdoor classroom,
14th and Broadway, Oakland
photo by Rita Daniels

Poet Queen
Phavia Khujichagulia
A Classic African
Warrior woman
"If you think I'm just a physical thing,
wait til you see the spiritual power I bring."
Prayer for Young Mothers
Yes, it's all there
You are Spirit
What is Love?
When I Think About the Women In My Life
Letter to Dead Negroes in Cyberspace
We're in Love, but You Don't Know Me
Growing Up
Black History is World History
In My Solitude
A Day We Never Thought
Mama's Bones
Love is for the Beloved
A Poem for Unresolved Grief
Song for Reginald Madpoet
Again the Kora
Benazir Bhutto
Dis Ma Hair
Facing Mt. Kenya
Elegy for John D.
Who are these Jews
For Jerri Jackmon
When Lemmie Died
And then the end
If I Were A Muslim in Good Standing
Memorial Day, 2007
I am a veteran
Not of foreign battlefields
Like my father in World War I
My uncles in WWII
And Korea
Or my friends from Vietnam
And even the Congo “police action”
But veteran none the less
Exiled and jailed because I refused
To visit Vietnam as a running dog for imperialism
So I visited Canada, Mexico and BelizeThen Federal prison for a minute
But veteran I am of the war in the hood
The war of domestic colonialism and neo-colonialism
White supremacy in black face war
Fighting for black power that turned white
Or was always white as in the other white people
So war it was and is
Every day without end no RR no respite just war
For colors like kindergarten children war
For turf warriors don’t own and run when popo comes
War for drugs and guns and women
War for hatred jealousy
Dante got a scholarship but couldn’t get on the plane
The boyz in the hood met him on the block and jacked him
Relieved him of his gear shot him in the head because he could read
Play basketball had all the pretty girls a square
The boyz wanted him dead like themselves
Wanted him to have a shrine with liquor bottles and teddy bears
And candles
Wanted his mama and daddy to weep and mourn at the funeral
Like all the other moms and dads and uncle aunts cousins
Why should he make it out the war zone
The blood and broken bones of war in the hood
No veterans day no benefits no mental health sessions
No conversation who cares who wants to know about the dead
In the hood the warriors gone down in the ghetto night
We heard the Uzi at 3am and saw the body on the steps until 3 pm
When the coroner finally arrived as children passed from school
I am the veteran of ghetto wars of liberation that were aborted
And morphed into wars of self destruction
With drugs supplied from police vans
Guns diverted from the army base and sold 24/7 behind the Arab store.
Junior is 14 but the main arms merchant in the hood
He sells guns from his backpack
His daddy wants to know how he get all them guns
But Junior don’t tell cause he warrior
He’s lost more friends than I the elder
What can I tell him about death and blood and bones
He says he will get rich or die tryingBut life is for love not money
And if he lives he will learn.
If he makes it out the war zone to another world
Where they murder in suits and suites
And golf courses and yachts
if he makes it even beyond this world
He will learn that love is better than money
For he was once on the auction block and sold as a thing
For money, yes, for the love of money but not for love
And so his memory is short and absent of truth
The war in the hood has tricked him into the slave past
Like a programmed monkey he acts out the slave auction
The sale of himself on the corner with his homeys
Trying to pose cool in the war zone
I will tell him the truth and maybe one day it will hit him like a bullet
In the head
It will hit him multiple times in the brain until he awakens to the real battle
In the turf of his mind.
And he will stand tall and deliver himself to the altar of truth to be a witness
Along with his homeys
They will take charge of their posts
They will indeed claim their turf and it will be theirs forever
Not for a moment in the night
But in the day and in the tomorrowsAnd the war will be over
No more sorrow no more blood and bones
No more shrines on the corner with liquor bottles teddy bears and candles.
--Marvin X
25 May 2007
Brooklyn NY

Young mother hold on
we know you jumped life too soon
little baby with a baby
man is gone

jail prison
other baby mama
another man holding his hand
hold on little mama
you have friends around the world
young girls trapped in the prison of their womb
babies asking questions minute by minute
some answers you are without
take your time
pace yourself
have a plan
for resurrection
you are the mighty the strong
don't give up give out give in
life is yours to win
keep the faith til you finish the race
in a moment there is time
to party look cute
work your mind
read a book
life ain't just lookin cute
don't be cute b

drop sacred seeds in yo baby's mind
don't call him motherfucker all the time
we know you stressed
we know you angry
baby daddy wasn't true
yes he lied
when he said I love you
and how long did you know him
did you know his name
was it a one night stand
a booty call a strange man
no matter
you can come up
my doctor pregnant at 16
family cast her out
now she doctor at 32
baby boy 16
see what I mean
you can do it too
think it out plan it out
work it out
it's up to you
baby daddy can't save you
can't save himself
he baby too
just like you.
Don't go crazy
don't drug out
suicide in the night
keep the faith
you from a Great Race
people who suffered much
who cried many days
we came up from slavery of the body
you come up from slavery of the mind
get a grip
hold on to the rope of God
He's checkin yo every move
every step you take
you take one
He takes ten.
See you can't help but win.
When baby cry
give him some tea
cool him out
don't put him cross yo knee
don't be mean
cause you see baby daddy in his eyes lips nose
your son came through you but ain't you
ain't baby daddy either
he's on a mission of his own
into a world you may never see
be gentle yet firm
we know mother's love
baby is same
he don't want food
clothes toys
he wants mama 24/7
you his heaven.
we know the world awaits him
with a frown not a smile
so be kind to this manchild.
He may bless you one day
beyond your imagination
he may be the one to save us
from oppression.
This is not about making money
selling books
ego or fame
women or children
Old age and sex
sin or some preacher
Some holy book or how one prays
a simple thing tears in eyes
working last nerve
standing when feet tired
Talking when silence is desire
showing love when hatred is behind smile
feeding poor when they ask
Like listening to old woman homeless story
of a mad negro and a mad African one after another
street children with grills in their mouths
telling stories of spirit world
the daily round
work unfinished
truth no matter what
a circle
This is not the personal
A lover lost in traffic
about the teacher but the student
who learns to stand to teach what he is taught
About comrades who will gather on the corner to save themselves
about the black the white the mixed the mad coming together to realize
life is a moment to seize or be lost
in eternity.
action and reaction
Passing the tone test in the presence of the beast.
getting through the day to fight tomorrow.
seeking knowledge above food, rent and pleasure.
Knowledge powers universe into ball
We throw into space and time until it explodes
a new world to see and wonder.
Yes, It's All There
Yes, it's all there
a time shared
a moment
a forevergrowing tension
giving agape love
years of ignorance
love persists
ordeal by fire
rituals of life
myths bound
we know the drill
we live myth
extending time
infinite joy love happiness
it comes
we blow it
a child in the garden
acting out
what happened manhood/womanhoood training
we kill the lion no more
we kill each other ritual
--Marvin X
Enough enough enough
of rain and pain sand and shore
enough bloody rivers flowing to sea
enough of you and me
moving breathing but going nowhere
enough living
yet not loving
standing still in the light
yet darkness all around
enough enough of ignorance
beating down wisdom of ages
sun in wind
stars at window
fear of the mothership enough
mothership the mind of men and women who think as one
move beyond space to better place
sun and time a dance moving the world
talk to me right
no control no boss
no whip no pain
no demands that never work
I am me and you are you
we are one in the mothership of life
your hair and mine
things don't matter
they are things
beyond time and space enough
to go beyond the moment called life
to a place called love
we spend the day and the life
trying not to go there
because we are already there
cannot escape love
even in death I will love you
cherish praise you
think of you honor you
squeeze you in my dreams
will you be there when they crucify my Lord
will you stand or run in your fear and trembling
run into the black hole and disappear
no movement like death in the morning
all is still and you walk because life is love
and love is life enough
to be alive yet not living
even speaking
because of yesterday morning pain
we hold even when today and tomorrow have come and gone
yet we hold pain
because it is better than loving
a kind of masturbation
to avoid the joy of sex in the morning
because we fear to speak the words I love you
silence becomes eternal
yet life is to be lived
not promised
not a thought
but lived in all its glory
for the pitiful moment we walk upon the sand and shore
the sand will slip into the tide
disappear somewhere
beyond sunset
revised 2/14/10
You Are Spirit!
You are spirit
from your mother's womb
down from ancestors
tales of joy and love
body radiated
it does not matter
you are vessel carrying tales of joy, love
you are great great grandmother
grandfather too
you see for them, speak for them
do what they could not but knew you would
one day sure
if we struggled on.
You eat where they could not
sleep where they could not
visit places they could note
because of Jim Crow's ugly white hand
you are spirit
beyond your mother's womb
you slept in her bed until you were woman and beyond
until your husband came and you left.
elders prepared you with gifts of light and love
wisdom and joy
you read their letters, epic songs of daily round
you listened to all they said
absorbing for generations of deaf dumb and blind
mutilated with cancer
beyond repair
how long will you be here
how long can I love you
as spirit only
I cannot go inside you
can only touch your spirit
listen to tales of elders
the old South
going to cemetery
with messages for souls departed
from souls soon to come
at the cemetery
you talked with aunts, uncles, fathers, sons
daughters moms
long gone yet near
as the finger and hand
the pond and tree
well water and out house
you talked with them and they to you
and you to me
I am angel
sent to carry you over
brother spirit
to hold your hand
make you smile
as you journey on
beyond the river
to walk along the beach
looking out at the sea you will join
become one
I am beside you
holding your hand
pressing against you with love
not only for today
but eternity.
revised 2/14/10
What is Love?
What is love
only kisses hugs
what is loveonly meetings of the minds
what about times when minds do not meet
is love not present in the air in the blood of loving souls
too ignorant to know the test of love
the many ways it strives to be and not be
yet is always
and forever
not always tender
sometimes rough and sharp
like a razor cutting to the heart
love is pain
we take to grow
be strong again
tears in the night
alone again
we find ourselves
if love was even real
yet it was
if we see
if we look
beyond romantic notions of everything is cool always with love
but we know the blues of love
when we miss the wrords from lips so tender in truth
but we miss them
in haste
to be the authority on love
yet love
has beeen around since eternity and will stay
when lovers have gone away
it will stay
in spite of all the tears
the fights
the verbal bouts
even the put outs
and come backs
and gimme my keys
and why don't you call
and don't you still care
and why did you go
and do you reallly lover her or really love him
after all the time we shared
how could you do this to me
after all I did for you in the night
what is love
sometimes we must enjoy the hurt the pain
to grow
be wise again
this time
with God
in the center of things
but try
for love is precious
time is short
life must be lived with joy
through it all
let joy arise
take control of love.
--Marvin X
from Land of My Daughters, poems, 2005,
Black Bird Press, Berkeley

When I Think About the Women in My Life
When I think about the women in my life
there have been no women
only angels who blessed me with love
Flowing rivers freely
no measure to their love
cannot compare one love to another
How can one compare the angelic
This angel did that or that angel did this
I won’t compare mothers of my children
gifts they gave precious and sweet
I would never compare I
thank you for the fruit of your womb
I have seen the fruit of your womb flower and be great in the land
I am humbled
other angels shared so many years
My revolutionary sisters who battled with me
gave me guidance
When I was in the dark
Who talked of building cities while I wrote poems
my love for your visions and dreams
even I couldn’t see
You the nationalist I the poet
you showed me the way kicking and screaming
To sex workers
who showed me love in the night
I salute you
you told me I was too rough to be a pimp
try a little tenderness be more gentle you said
thank you for serving me in the night
For Marsha
who suffered my crack and died before I recovered
I know you see me now in Cherokee
where you said I needed to be
a place proper for a classic black man artist
An angel can dwell but in heaven
No sweeter angel ever came on God’s earth
miz brown eyes unconditional love
Berkeley Girl Smart and hot
willing to give beyond all
one of ten, ten in one
in the Valley
like Khadijah financed my come up
Who worries more than I want to know
Relax my sister
few things in life of importance
Rumi told you it don’t matter
If you come to the garden
If you don’t come to the garden
It don’t matter
God is all and all is God
Nothing else matters.
Your fears are not my fears
so I won’t go there with you
There is no fear in love
there is only love in love
something else in love it is not love but fear
I do not go into the room where fear lives
If you come from the room of fear you will find love everlasting
Come from fear and see love
What you love belongs to you and you alone No one can take what God has granted
warrior woman from my youth
revolutionary days dreams fears
A million years cannot tare me from your love
a million men
I am still yours
somebody better get a healing Up in here.
angel from Berkeley
Watch those Berkeley girls
Hot and smart
So now you know me
Better act like you know me
I’m willing if you willing
If you willing to come to garden
but it don’t matter it don’t matter.
Let the people say Ache. Amen.
Letter to Dead Negroes
in Cyberspace
are you there
anybody home
on the moon
text me
while giving head
i'll know you're alive maybe
head ain't no real indication
the dead walk and chew gum
cell phone black berry i phone
you phone
me no phone
dropping out
send me esp
read my mind in black space
you so smart
send me a thought from east coast dirty south
i will know
don't worry bout how
keep your i phone in yo pocket
while making love please
are you the prez
what's so important
you ain't
so relax
make love wit da one ya wit
fo you be singin bout papers
a golf club upside yo head
po tiger
billion dollar nigguh
can't fuck in peace
don't call me
i don't want to hear
same conversation every day
can't change the subject to save yo life
nigguh please
beat a bata or djembe to me
that loud arrogant drum
talkin war talk
send me that message
or none at all. save your words
for some ignut nigguh wit no thoughts
no ideas no dreams
he just raps rhymes all day
talk with him or listen
to nursery rhymes
til you sleep
sleep little baby sleep.
We're In Love, But You Don't Know Me
You don't know me
you had a chance to know me
before we made love
you had a chance to know my mind
understand my fears
learn about issues
help me heal some things
but you wanted to make love
so you don't know me
we made love
but you don't know me
don't have a clue
think I'm a good d
or some good tight p
but you don't know me
and never will now
because you wanted to make love
you wanted to get a nut
we didn't even talk much
a little bit leading up to sex
I went along
I was horny too
but you don't know me
and I don't know you
now we never will
we blew it forever
because we made love
too fast too quick too soon
now you think you own me
I can't breathe
can't talk on the phone to friends
because we made love
because I gave you some d
you gave me some p
now I'm no longer human
I'm your love slave you my slave
we're in love
but you don't know me
we gonna get married
but you don't know me
we're gonna have children
but you don't know me
you're gonna beat my ass
but you don't know me
you're going to jail
but you don't know me
we're getting a divorce
but you don't know me
now we're friends
"Just Friends" Charlie Parker tune
But you don't know me
and never will.
Growing Up
Although I wanted it all the time
I didn't think the day would come
to wear my father's clothes
his fedora and Panamanian hats
double breasted suits
Stacey Adam shoes shined
at Perry's on Seventh Street
in West Oakland
I didn't think I would be a man like dad
though I wanted to be a man like dad
every son wants to be like dad
even when dad is mad.
and then I became him
in all his negrocities
his race man status
silence to children
misunderstanding of women
my mother especially
a real woman of her time
independent spiritual
a counselor to all
a business woman
beyond my father's understanding
yet he taught her many things
for a country girl
did I understand my wives
all beautiful intelligent aggressive
much like myself
how could i not understand myself
beyond gender but a spiritual thing
and then the decline
starched shirts a ring around the collar
suits a little piss stain there
a slowing down of public places
organizations associations
i became him
and then i was grandfather
no longer dad
on my knees with grandson
playing with toys, animals and men
trucks and buildings
counting books in english and swahili
one is umoja
grandson said don't save the world
play with me grandpa
and so i joined his world
he said at two years old
I know how to behave properly
i suppose his mother taught him to say this
he loves michael jackson on youtube
but not the thriller
no no no
smooth operator
billie jean
beat it
remember the time
not thriller
not michael dancing with those zombies
he runs from thriller
don't like those zombies
says he will shoot them
if they come to his mama's house
grandpa you stab them but i'm gonna shoot them zombies.
And so it is
son to father
father to grandfather
elder to ancestor.
such is the circle
seed to flower
flower withers
drops to earth
a seed is born.
--Marvin X
Black History is World History
Before the Earth was
I was
Before time was
I was
you found me not long ago
and called me Lucy
I was four million years old
I had my tools beside me
I am the first man
call me Adam
I walked the Nile from Congo to Delta
a 4,000 mile jog
I lived in the land of Canaan
before Abraham, before Hebrew was born
I am Canaan, son of Ham
I laugh at Arabs and Jews
fighting over my land
I lived in Saba, Southern Arabia
I played in the Red Sea
dwelled on the Persian Gulf
I left my mark from Babylon to Timbuktu
When Babylon acted a fool, that was me
I was the fool
When Babylon fell, that was me I fell
call me Negrito and Grimaldi
I walked along the Mediterranean from Spain to Greece
Oh, Greece! Why did you kill Socrates?
Why did you give him the poison hemlock?
Who were the gods he introduced
corrupting the youth of Athens?
They were my gods, black gods from Africa
Oh, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle
Whose philosophy did you teach
that was Greek to the Greeks?
Pythagoras, where did you learn geometry?
Democritus, where did you study astronomy?
Solon and Lycurgus, where did you study law?
In Egypt, and Egypt is Africa
and Africa is me
I am the burnt face, the blameless Ethiopian
Homer told you about in the Iliad
Homer told you about Ulysses, too,a story he got from me.
I am the first Chinese
China has my eyes
I am the Aboriginal Asian
Look for me in Viet Nam, Cambodia & Thailand
I am there, even today, black and beautiful
I used to travel to America
long before Columbus
came to me asking for directions
Americo Vespucci on his voyage to America
saw me in the Atlantic
returning to Africa
America was my home
Before Aztec, Maya, Toltec, Inca & Olmec I was here
I came to Peru 20,000 years ago
I founded Mexico City
See my pyramids, see my cabeza colosal in Vera Cruz and Yucatan
that's me
I am the Mexican
for I am mixed with all men
and all men are mixed with me
I am the most just of men
I am the most peaceful
who loves peace day and night
Sometimes I let tyrants devour me
sometimes people falsely accuse me
sometimes people crucify me
but I am ever returning
I am eternal, I am universal
Africa is my home
Asia is my home
Americas is my home
--Marvin X, circa 1980
In My Solitude
for The Duke
In loneliness
Where is the joy
Where is the room of friends
to hug, laugh, drink, dance
Emptiness abounds
a life lived fully til now
When the undertaker takes us all
dirt icing on the cake of our lives
Lived to the max
yet In the end the grave
Not the joy of friends in the night
lovers forgotten gone where
where are the whores Fillmore
gangsta brown
so we sit at the table alone
Devouring Hennessey and Bailey’s
A truth serum to proof my books
Why lie?
we do the daily drill
another funeral until we are numb of eulogies
When we know better
We know he was a dirty motherfucker
His wife called him such every day of their togetherness
we smile at the repast
Giggle at the come on of old lovers bout to bit the dust
Yet it is all good
This life this death All good
We did it our way no regrets
The wives
ungrateful bastard children
the good children we love so much so much
money spent foolishly on dope
books written for fools who never read a word
Yet claim to be experts on our style, theme, myth
Who are these frauds
wizards of academe
Revisionist liars
Careerists Agents in the night
Collaborators with colonialism
The elite who crossed the veil
from inside the secret chamber of blackness
Yet they failed to decipher Supreme Wisdom
Thank God Allah.
We out of here
thank God Allah.
--Marvin X 11/1/09
A Day We Never Thought
Inside chambers of our mind
We yearned freedom
Not knowing the fullness thereof
In centuries of debate and suffering
Of whip and breaking of bones
We never thought
No sliver of hope
No prayers for this
Surely wasted
We went about our day
Our madness couched in faith
Yet pain and doubt persisted Into the night
Children taught to hate
Fathers gone mad with drink
Mothers whoring to save the children
Yet we never thought
A day like this would come
a distant star
We cannot believe its twinkle
So far
years become centuries
Long and hard
We cannot bear this pain
This waiting in the sun
What shall we do
where shall we go
The night is upon us
Were we born into this night
This darkness of skin
Was this the meaning of our shame
To overcome all odds
To defeat the devil
celebrate our Lord
Keep the faith
We shall win the race
Like Dr. Clark taught
This is not for sprinters
Only long distance runners
Even this day is not the end
Just another beginning
A sign along the route
Letting us know
the best is yet to come
In the fullness of the moon
We shall dance the holy dance
Late into the night
It is only a moment
Precious and bold
Hard fought deserved
Like a meal after work
Yet we never thought
We would return to our father’s house
Our royal robes adorn
We dance into the new day
We know joy and rain
We know the pain of African men in power
Who want to be president for life
Who crush and break the people
Banish and burn alive all opposition
We know the West
We have such brutes in our midst
We know their terror
We know our sweat and blood at their hands
A day we never thought
Keeping eyes open
Ever on the alert
Do not depart our post
Relief shall come
No matter the doubt
The sun has never missed a day
So how come a day we never thought
Why did this day seem so impossible
Our suffering ancestors said bottom rail top
They sang sorrow songs
Knowing life is full
Resistance every day all day
Like the people of Gaza
We cannot be broken
And so this is a moment of joy
On the journey up the hill
the rock of Sisyphus in hand
We can make it to the top
a thought to action
A unified thrust smashing all doors
Leaping all walls
Crashing ceilings forever
This is who we are
Warriors of the king
smash fear
Resist every hurtful thing
Shoot it down fast
Keep on keepin’ on
A day we never thought.
--Marvin X
Mama's Bones
They want Mama's bones
no flesh no blood
just bones
empty bones
they will be happy then
sucking her bones
wouldn't wash her feet
give something to eat
just bones
was all they cried
went to court over bones
didn't have time for Mama's love
tender touch
tales of old south
mourning husband
long gone
maybe she loved him
gave him four children
why wouldn't she still love him
think of him
wonder why he let white supremacy drown him in drink
and then came her son
the ghost of father
but caring
just drunk
his father's pain
unresolved addiction to white supremacy oppression
The ghost of emmit jackson
Mama's bones remain
they scramble over them
fighting like mad dogs
bones dry
no meat
no blood.
Love is for the Beloved
Love is for the beloved
Selfless totally
Agent of joy
At one’s pleasure
Transcending self
Love is all there is
Like a good deal at the Flea Market
You can’t pass.
Gotta squeeze ya real tight.
self to divine self
Get real with love
Up from animal
monkey mind
Listen to the whirlwind of Garvey
Motherplane is here for you
Better ax somebody,
Houston TX
Denial of self
Sweet submission
What is beyond giving all
We feed you for Allah’s pleasure only
We desire from you neither reward nor thanks.
Al Qur’an.
They won't talk to me
look at me
walk pass me
every daye
straight ahead
no contact, no glance
no love
is it hatred
is it madness
what is it
this strange thing
a bundle of sexuality
nothing more
we assume
just nothingness
strange love
not beyond the sex
what love is this
not agape
some strange love
from the void
beyond normal and natural
is anyting there
anybody home
a loveless temple
a dildo of joy
yet hatred in the night for the real deal holyfield
what is this
this scam
this fake ritual of love
please come
and see the light of love
see the light of madness
but do yo thing
I am me and you are you
do yo thing and I do mine
to you your thing and to me mine
I do not do what you do
nor do you do what I do
to you your way
and to me mine.
But I ain't mad at cha.
love and peace.
A Poem for Unresolved Grief
When thy lover has gone to eternity
When touch is no longer
to feel in the night and in the day
The smile walk
sweetness of body
kissing of lips breasts thigh
When thy lover has gone
A day we never imagine
For love blinds us to things
yet the day came like a cloud of thunder rain
Pouring down upon our head
drowning us in sorrow of the worse kind
We cannot walk but listen each day
her voice message til we are taken away
we want to hear for the last time
the voice of love
For all the joy we shared
blending of two into one
thinking of two into one
When thy lover has gone
We are worse than dead
yet alive to suffer a pain no man can know
Who has never loved
a true love we say we want but never get
But we have lived what few ever know
the touch feel constant smile
When thy lover has gone
earth opens for the mate as well
no tears enough
No silent moments to get over matters of the heart
We are confined in the prison of life
and wish to leave for other worlds
to see if we can meet again
The one so kind so true
But life keeps us here bound like slave to master
Yet we yearn for paradise
for life is love and love has gone
desire is great and pain a mountain
We go to familiar places but are lost
cannot find the way home
We call a friend to pick us up
take us there
And there we sit in stupor
thinking of the days joy ruled our world
joy has gone never to return.
Lord help us through the day the night
It hurts to breathe to think
to see a picture of our lover
We try til night consumes us and we sleep
Hoping tomorrow will be a better day.
To heal the missing part of you
To feel again the love of yesterday
To realize what is gone cannot return
Flesh is frail
Spirit lives
In the day in the night
The challenge the task
To know we are spirit
Of the Great Spirit
We flow with the flow
Not the flesh,
body a vessel
Never put faith in flesh
Enjoy the moment
Treasure seconds of the day
Romantic hours of the night
physical shall pass
Then what shall we do
Stuck against the wall
sitting like a frog on a lily pad
Flow in the flow of the Great River
Sail down the Nile Niger Mighty Congo
Do not drown
reality is transitory
Except the metaphysical macrocosmic truth inside of you
Love continues into the ancestor tree
Beyond the pain the sorrow the lost
Tears in the night
Love can be found again
If we try if we stand
As Rumi taught
reeds in the reed bed stand alone
Yet all together
The reed flute is a song of mourning
A yearning to return
Through the door of no return
the flute plays the song of joy
A communal chant in the sun
the world will bless you
Praise you sing
For your song of sorrow is gone
The healing complete
Live again and love
Reach touch somebody
Breathe out the pain
Exhale the misery
Love is in the air wind
It blows your way
Listen to the wind
Listen to the sound of your flute.
Song for Reginald Madpoet
And so my friend my comrade
a journey complete
We began in Black House
You with us
Eldridge, Amiri, Sonia, Askia, Ed
Bullins, Ethna, Avotcja,
Amina(pregnant with Obalaji),
Sarah Fabio
West Coast BAM
(Black Arts Movement)
“Artistic freedom fighters”
Robeson said.
Consciousness of a Nation
You birthed
word magic
all magic word magic
the bird sings bass now
What was the sound of your lover
she found you in bed
Sleeping silently
Making your way home to eternity.
--Marvin X
Again the Kora
Kora is my soul
Middle Passage
I lived in the sound of Kora
A young warrior
training in the bush
manhood training
a mask
warrior dance
Fierce creatures terrify me
I slay the lion
bring it home on my back
I hear the Kora
like the sound of Bilal's Adhan
This the memory in my soul
Kora strings tear heart
love dance
They knew Hajr by her man
And her man by Hajr
scientists questioned her
She questioned scientists.
Kora sounds
reuniting mind
good is in the room
universe still
Benazir Bhutto
Ya, Bhutto
Who are these people
Who kill fathers sons daughters
What God do they serve
What ghost in the night
Is there money enough
Power enough
Greed enough
Murder enough
To satisfy this beast
Who devours all in path
The children of the poor are not safe
Even children of the rich
This monster is vile
His teeth a wicked bite
Snatching like Godzilla
Ya, Bhutto
you came home preaching freedom
But there are those who cry freedom
But mean slavery
There are those who pray in the mosque
Then murder in the street
who crush the spirit
Who silence poets
their freedom songs
Who deny the humanity of women
What God is this
Who empowers these devils
with venom
Worse than the cobra’s sting
Ya Bhutto
What now in that sacred land
Shall your sons take the mantle
Shall the children cower in fear
Or face the guns bombs
Paid by the Mighty Beast
Who shouts democracy
But means slavery
Who allows dictators to crush opposition
To be president for life.
He discards his general uniform
To dawn the suit and tie of Shaitan
To claim the persona of the puppet
Who smiles in tears
Choking from hanging.
Ya, Bhutto,
you tried
To bring a better day
But demons must play their drama
Their dance in the night
will never put down their butcher knives
Never turn into Buddha heads.
More sacrifice
judges and lawyers are not enough
soldiers must accept flowers from the people
Not slaughter in the streets
There are not jails enough to confine freedom
The torture chambers may fill to overflow
freedom must rise.
Ya, Bhutto, your last the magic word: Allah.
Surely we are from Allah
And to Him we return.
Dis Ma Hair
i don’t have my own hair
i don’t know why
but it ain’t my own
what is natural to me
dis ma hair
i can do what i please
boy friend/girl friend
dis ma hair
i do this fa me not fa you
don’t give a fuck bout you
dis ma hair
I can weave it
Glue it
Lock it
Stock it
Conk it
Gerri curl it
Marcel it
Dis ma hair
Leave me lone
Dis ma hair
Blond wig cocked ace-duce
Dis ma hair
You can suck me fuck me
But dis ma hair
Call me Korean
Ghetto fab
Call me from the dead
But dis ma hair.
Revised 2008
I thought I was my father
I came to know him when my sons rejected me in life and death
For did I not reject him
He came to see Flowers
Wasn’t happy
What did I care
arrogant bastard
then I became him
looked like him
loved like him
pants pissy
drawers shitty
shirts dirty
but at least he danced
went clubbing
casinos casinos casinos
not for me
had my addictions
worse than gambling
with life itself
and so am I myself
or I my father
Johnny Murrill
Worked the land
Picked cotton
Cut grapes
Fucked off the money
Chinatown Fresno
Busted in El Gato Negro
Granny sent uncle stan and mom to save grandpa
Lost in El Gato Negro
Worked all week in the field
Fucked it off in El Gato Negro
Uncle stan brought grandpa out to car
We sat in car on G Street before the underpass.
The woman I loved more than Mom
Granny’s hands were my hands
Soft, warm, loving, caring, showing, telling,
Said my brother Ollie was going to end up in the pen
Said it over and over that boy go end up in pen
And he did like Granny said
Whole life in the pen
Lovin you so much
Missin you so much
Great grandpa Ephraim
A man after my heart
A man who saw Abe Lincoln
Twenty years of slavery
Before it ended finally and forever
Epharim Murrill
Farmer foreman
Master of men and land
Known throughout the central valley of cali
Madera, Fresno, Fowler, Handford, Lemoore,
Came same time as Col. Allensworth, 1909
What did you and Col. plot and plan
What did you know
What black towns did you see
What sovereignty what freedom did you know?
Did you know the neo nile valley
Did you know the green giant
Did you know crucifixion?
Did Isis search for you in the mythology of pussy
Did she find you in the mythology of dick
Mythology of love
See the Song of Solomon
See Ecleastics
Tell us from the grave what you know
I did not know you great grandpa
Respected by blacks and whites
How did you do this
What manner of man
Tell me great grandpa
What wisdom did you know
What mythology what ritual?
--Marvin X
Facing Mt. Kenya
Lord let us pray
Great Ancestor save us this hour
We have shamed you in our wickedness
shedding of blood
Even into the Lord’s House we bring machetes
Slaughtering the innocent
Even the babies
Vote for me, I’ll set you free
And freedom is slavery of the worst kind
What evil spirit has come among us
What strange language this democracy
Brother against brother, tribe against tribe
Oh, Mt. Kenya
Who gave birth to us all
Raise your hands in mercy
We are lost in the forest
Cannot find the way home
Where is our king, where is our queen
What of manhood rites
rites for women
They did not teach us slaughter
Did we learn this at Oxford and Harvard
Help us, Mt. Kenya
This is not the way of the Great Spirit
Not even the way of the jungle beast
This madness for power and greed
Vote for me, I’ll set you free.
Freedom is worse than slavery
We refuse to share
transcend tribe for nation
We the great people
Who became little people
Not the tall Masai warriors
but pigmy of the forest
our heads fat with evil
no justice among the brotherhood
There is no Kwanza
No celebration of harvest
No seven principles of love
Only madness
From Kenya to Somalia
From Sudan to Congo
From Nigeria to Zimbabwe
From Fillmore to Harlem
New Orleans to Philly
Ancestors gather to wail
The people have lost their way
Aping Western man
Voting his way
People starve in the shanties
Politicians order fleets of Mercedes
The colonialists and their lackeys
Brought this chaos
They set borders and boundaries in days past
He taught the schools or filled them with tom teachers
He gave us his language his God
we have lived in misery ever since
At least during the colonial wars
We fought the good cause
But what is this today
Another Rwanda
We learn no lessons
Master no courses in civility
Make fools of history
At this hour let us bow down to. Mt. Kenya
Mt. Kilimanjaro
And cry out mercy and forgiveness
We have sinned like the Western man
We are white with evil
Paint our faces white and wade into Lake Victoria
Wade into the ocean
Cleanse the blood from our hands
Put down the machetes
We are the Great Nation
who gave birth to humanity
Let us return to the course the Ancestors taught
Let us find our way from the forest to the sea.
O, Kora
Elegy for John D
O, Kora
Sound of my mother
singing from Heaven
Touching her special son
If he will do God’s will
He shall be successful.
O, Kora
sound of all the women
who loved unconditionally
the women I tried to love but failed
may they forgive me
Lord have mercy.
O, Kora
sound of women who speak without talking
Who take charge of their post
Mothers of Civilization
O, Kora
music to make a new world
everyday a holy day
gifts to those we love.
I mourn the passing of John Douimiba
Founder Black Men Conference, 1980
Oakland Auditorium
Praise be to John D.
We raise his name to heaven forever
coming in our midst
By way of Hausa
kidnapped to Brazil
Nat Turner’s people
North Carolina
Dallas Texas
no god but Allah in house.
extends North American African Islam
envisioned black president
Told us watch that boy Obama
last words watch that boy Obama
Our john the Baptist
John D
The Count in Malcolm’s world
Malcolm saw John organize Los Angles
Told John organize Nation of Islam, San Francisco.
Merchant Seaman
When he came back from across water
helped Aaron Ali, Bernard Cushmeer
expand mosque, SF.
John's plan organize block by block.
wanted secular organization
all things orbit black man in America.
witness Obama in the White House.
John smiling in heaven/paradise.
joyful to see 9/11
So happy
Never thought he’d see master hit in eye.
knocked in head on 9/11.
The Kora has stolen my heart
like a young woman in arms of old man
He will do flips over young girl
She refreshes his heart
like strings of Kora
Music from Heaven
Better than harp violin
command me Holy God Allah.
Young girl tells old man she lousy in bed.
Sing voices of ancestors
Pluck strings of Kora.
I am alive
I walk with rhythm and rhyme.
John helped set up the little manger
brothers and sisters raised from the dead....
I am overcome
I cannot continue this story.
My teacher is gone
I am like Rumi
who lost Shams of Tabriz
I am lost
I whirl and whirl and whirl
poetry flows
I whirl and sing whirl and sing.
I sing of love and God Allah
I sing of Buddha
My teacher who taught me to act is gone
Learn how to act Marvin X
You know not how to act in theatre of life
Oh, John D.
Ayatollah of the Bay
Black Men’s Conference elder
15 years before MMM
We love you John
no matter from where you came
North Carolina
no matter
Al Hamdulilah!
Master teacher
Philosopher/King, Terry Collins said
John/Yahya, life giver
my love and honor.
Who Are These Jews?
Who are these Jews
Vandals from Europe
Who know best how to murder, slaughter, bomb lie
Claiming holy land
Chosen of God they say
Lord let us pray
If they are his chosen
Jesus condemned the synagogue of Satan
Abraham’s children?
Where is the work of Abraham?
peace love faith
these are devils
Murderers liars
Usurpers Crusaders
from some place
Maybe outer space
Why did Hitler treat them so mean?
look how they act
in the holy land of God
Bombing to hell people with nothing
Half a century nothing
water food medicine
Hospitals mosques schools
smashed to smithereens
Who are these Jews?
God’s holy people
Seizing homes of others
Yet they come in peace
peace with your planes
Bombs, warships, tanks, soldiers
no security even with nukes
What will secure you
make you safe in the night
The Wall
American sycophants
media Zionists tell fairy tales on Fox,
CNN, NPR and Pacifica
Even Amy Goodman is not good
While you destroy the land of God
can the devil claim God’s land
may take a hundred years
like the Crusaders
You shall depart one day
Not back to Europe
but some place
Probably space
there you will challenge the sun
Or fight the dead moon
Somewhere is a place for you
Who claim shalom alaikum
Yet never Palestinians
land of their own
Return of refugees
your children pee in bed
Children of Gaza bombed
death in beds, schools,
Who are these Jews
Who are not Jews
the Synagogue of Satan?
You leave Gaza in jail
No exit no democracy
Even after their vote
Hamas is their choice
Leave them alone
Let them build their state their way
not yours
Saudi Arabia’s
Their way
Maybe rockets will be silent
Maybe then peace
Maybe then world will not tire of you
hate you
Will accept you with love
be aware battles you win
it is not winning the war
There are powers greater than guns, planes,
Nukes, lies, phony claims, fake chosen ness
To hell with your God, your holy books
Myths made in America
white house you rule
Made in Jewyork
Your home away from home
Past time for Palestinian State
see the world wearing Kafiyas
scarf of suffering people
scarf of blood and tears
Betrayed by leaders who steal
dine in Europe
who sell out to Satan in the night
refugee camps half a century
Leaders who must be lead
since they are blind
Who are these Jews?
For Jerri Jackmon
With love honor thee
Wife of my
Mother of Jordan and Jazmin
We love you
honor you
miss you
Yet you are here
Feeling, touching, speaking, loving
Wonderful you
Stepping to front of line with mister big
Blessing him
Jordan and Jazmin
Praise be to God
There is life after death
pain hurt misery
No closure ever
false construction
Silent suffering
Mountains of time
Fading love
Yet love never moves sways
We love you Jerri
In our prayers libations
You are there
In the water in the wine
Your energy/spirit
of the Jackmon
demanding you are Jackmon too
we love you for this Jerri
We see you tall strong
Fighting frailties
We see you
Matching Mr. Big
Loving tenderly
mother, lover, wife
Church woman
Commanding directing
Jerri take us on
Into the Upper Room.
When Lemmie Died
end of an era
beginning of another
A horrible time
worst of times
Without food money
In the hood
No rice and beans
No money gas
No mortgage
And Lemmie died
Soldier of misfortune
natural born dud
Born in Tennnessee
Raised in Muncie
Then San Francisco
State College/ Univeristy
Post Office
Cutting of penis on the job
shacked with cousin Darlene Turner
she said he would never be a man at the Post Office.
became teacher
black women made him retire early.
Lemmie universal
French woman baby
He returned
apartment with Marvin X
Shared ho’s.
My man
miss you brother
Natural born dude
army said
But Lemmie
My man
My brother
showed me love
Keep us a room in eternity.
And then the end
And then the end
No more sin
Righteousness no matter
new age
Innocence ignorance not bliss
terror in the night and day
Not knowing will not prevail
Only doing seeking will save
Multitudes running amuck
Inches from tsunami then we drown
Consumed by saliva
Little did we know
time told us show was over
We lingered until dawn
then we sank
bottomless pit welcomed us home
we are kind to each other
On the love boat south
Without end or port
Into the emptiness of our mind
dread time foretold
we sleept dreaming of nothingness
Pull comforter over head
Afraid of dark and light
we have become this thing
bundle of fear confounded by it all
As if we weren’t told
As if we didn’t know and couldn’t see
Yet we walked each day
leaves falling into snow
sound of trumpets
howl of wolves
we walked over precipice
children held our hand until limp
into the chasm with us
even family was not enough
lovers or friends or buddies of childhood
all in the chasm
searching for fire wood in darkness.
If I Were A Muslim In Good Standing
If I Were A Muslim In Good Standing
I would be like Prophet Muhammad
I would fight oppression everywhere
I would liberate the slaves educate the poor free the women
expel the infidels from Muslim lands
I would fight quisling Muslim governments
not sleep until Jerusalem is liberated
Palestine a free nation
send the Zionists back to Europe or into the Mediterranean
unless they surrendered all lands taken from Palestinians
Return all refugees
if it took one hundred or two hundred years for the new Crusaders to depart
like Saladin I would slay them without remorse
Like the Moors in Spain
Recite the Fatihah on a pyramid of their heads
I would expel the heathen Christian armies from Iraq Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia
I would defend Iran's right to have Nukes
Why should the Zionists have Nukes but not Iranians
If the Zionists are sane, so are Iranians
If the Zionists are human beings, so are Iranians
I would fight white supremacy in all its forms
even in black face, Arab face, Chinese face
If I were a Muslim in good standing I would liberate Mecca of slaves and selling pork
free the kingdom of Arabia of wickedness and primitive theology
Infecting the Taliban Al Queda and Sunni insurgents in Iraq
who have no intention to allow Shia Muslims to rule without obstruction and sabotage
I would salute Hamas and Hezbollah for confronting Shaitan in all his masks
I would support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and denounce Pharaoh Mubarak as Uncle Abdullah (tom) a boot licking running dog for Zionists and Crusaders
I would stop honor killings and put women in the front of the masjed to pray
stop the cutting of clitoris
let the women enjoy themselves
put the veil on men and show equality at all times
I would make earth a paradise for those who truly believe
who fight oppression everywhere and will not sleep til the world is free.
--Marvin X (El Muhajir) 2.18.10