Memorial Day
I am a veteran
Not of foreign battlefields
Like my father in world war one
My uncles in world war two
And Korea
my friends from Vietnam
And Congo “police action”
But veteran none the less
Exiled and jailed because I refused
To visit Vietnam as a running dog for imperialism
I visited Canada, Chicago, Harlem, Mexico and Belize
Federal prison for a minute
But veteran I am
of the war in the hood
war of domestic colonialism
White supremacy in black face war
Fighting for black power that turned white
Or was always white
as in the other white people
war it was and is
Every day without end
no RR no respite just war
For colors like kindergarten children war
For turf warriors don’t own and run when popo comes
War for drugs and guns and women
War for hatred jealousy envy
Dante got a scholarship
but couldn’t get on the plane fast enough
The boyz in the hood met him on the block and jacked him
Relieved him of his gear
shot him in the head because he could read
Play basketball
had all the pretty girls
a square
The boyz wanted him dead like themselves
Wanted him to have a shrine with liquor bottles and teddy bears
Wanted his mama and daddy to weep and mourn at the funeral
Like all the other moms and dads, uncle aunts cousins
Why should he make it out the war zone
The blood and broken bones of war in the hood
No veterans day no benefits no mental health sessions
No conversation
who cares who wants to know about the dead
In the hood
warriors gone down in the ghetto night
We heard the Uzi at 3am and saw the body on the steps til 3 pm
When the coroner finally arrived as children passed from school
I am the veteran of ghetto wars of liberation aborted
morphed into wars of self destruction
drugs supplied from police vans
Guns diverted from the army base
sold 24/7 behind the Arab store.
Junior is 14 but the main arms merchant in the hood
sells guns from his backpack
His daddy wants to know how he get all them guns
Junior don’t tell cause he warrior
He’s lost more friends than daddy
What can daddy tell him about war
death and blood and bones
He says he will get rich or die trying
But life is for love not money
And if he lives he will learn.
If he makes it out the war zone to another world
Where they murder in suits and suites
golf courses and yachts
if he makes it even beyond this world
He will learn that love is better than money
For he was once on the auction block
sold as a thing property
For money, yes,
for the love of money but not for love
his memory short and absent of truth
The war in the hood has tricked him into the slave past
Like a programmed monkey
he acts out the slave auction
The sale of himself on the corner with his homeys
Trying to pose cool in the war zone
I will tell him the truth
maybe one day it will hit him like a bullet
In the head
It will hit him multiple times in the brain until he awakens to the real battle
In the turf of his mind.
And he will stand tall and deliver himself to the altar of truth to be a witness
Along with his homeys
They will take charge of their posts
They will claim their turf and it will be theirs forever
Not for a moment in the night
But in the day and in the tomorrows
And the war will be over
No more sorrow no more blood and bones
No more shrines on the corner with liquor bottles teddy bears and candles.
--Marvin X
25 May 2007
Brooklyn NY
revised 5/31/10